Linux Commands

Linux Commands

Understand the basics of Linux commands

The general syntax of Linux commands is:

command [options] [arguments]


  • command is the name of the Linux command

  • options are optional flags that modify the behavior of the command

  • arguments are inputs to the command

For example:

ls -l /home


  • ls is the command

  • -l is the option to show a long listing

  • /home is the argument, the directory whose contents we want to list

Some common Linux commands are:

  • ls - list files and directories

  • cp - copy files

  • mv - move or rename files

  • rm - remove files and directories

  • cd - change the current working directory

  • pwd - print working directory

  • cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output

  • grep - print lines matching a pattern

  • man - display the manual page of a command

  • etc.

There are many more commands to learn. You can study each command using "man" which is short for "manual". This contains documentation that is explaining all Linux internal commands and most of the external commands.

The man command

The man command is used to display the manual page (man page) of a Linux command. It provides helpful information about how to use the command, its options, arguments, examples, etc.

To use the man command with the | more option:

  1. Type the man command followed by the name of the command you want help with:

man command_name

For example: man ls

  1. This will display the entire man page of that command, which can be long and difficult to read.

  2. To view the man page page-by-page, pipe the output through the more command using the | more option:

man command_name | more

For example: man ls | more

  1. This will display the first page of the man page. You can then press the space bar to go to the next page, or press q to quit.

So the full syntax would be:

man command_name | more

The | more option is useful when you want to read long man pages in an easy-to-read page-by-page format.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Pipeline Operator

The pipeline operator | is used to connect the output of one Linux command to the input of another command. This allows you to chain multiple commands together to perform complex data manipulation and transformations.

Some examples of using the pipeline operator:

ls -l | more

This will send the output of the ls -l command to the more command, which will display it page by page.

cat file.txt | grep "hello"

This will print all lines from file.txt that contain the word "hello".

ps -ef | grep python

This will print all processes that have "python" in their name.

cat file.txt | wc -l

This will count the number of lines in file.txt.

Essentially, the pipeline operator works by:

  1. The first command (left of the |) executes and produces some output

  2. This output is then "piped" into the standard input of the second command (right of the |)

  3. The second command then processes this input and produces its own output

This allows you to chain multiple commands together to transform and manipulate data in flexible ways. The pipeline operator is a very useful and powerful feature of Linux commands.

In summary, the pipeline operator | connects the output of one command to the input of another command, enabling powerful data transformations.

Redirect Operators

The > and >> redirect operators are used to redirect the output of a Linux command to a file instead of the screen.

  • The > operator will overwrite any existing file

  • The >> operator will append to any existing file.

Some examples:

ls -l > file.txt

This will save the output of the ls -l command to the file.txt file, overwriting any existing content.

ls -l >> file.txt

This will append the output of the ls -l command to the end of the file.txt file, preserving any existing content.

cat file.txt > new_file.txt

This will save the contents of file.txt to the new_file.txt file, overwriting any existing content.

So in summary:

  • > will overwrite any existing file

  • >> will append to any existing file.

This is useful when you wish to create a text file using a linux command. Before you can do something useful with all these commands you have just learn, you need to understand the file structure of Linux operating system. I will post details in next article.

Have fun, life is short. Learn and prosper. 🍀

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