How to become a VC

How to become a VC

I have a great idea but no money to implement it, what I can do?

While having a great idea for a new programming language is exciting, it's not the only factor in becoming a successful VC in IT. Here are some alternative paths you can consider, given your current situation:

1. Focus on Building Your Network and Expertise:

  • Gain industry experience: Before diving into VC, spend time in the tech world. Work as a developer, product manager, or engineer to understand the challenges and opportunities within IT. This builds your credibility and network.

  • Connect with other developers: Attend conferences, workshops, and online communities. Share your language idea and build relationships with potential collaborators.

  • Contribute to existing projects: Get involved in open-source language development to gain practical experience and showcase your skills.

  • Develop your business acumen: Learn about finance, venture capital, and startup ecosystems. Take online courses, attend workshops, or network with VCs.

2. Validate Your Language Idea:

  • Build a prototype: Even if you can't develop a full compiler, create a basic version to demonstrate the core concepts of your language. This helps attract potential partners and investors.

  • Get feedback from other developers: Share your prototype and idea with experienced developers and gather their feedback. Their insights can help you refine your language and identify potential gaps.

  • Publish your work: Write blog posts, articles, or tutorials about your language. This helps build awareness and attracts potential collaborators.

3. Explore Alternative Funding Options:

  • Bootstrapping: Start small with minimal resources and reinvest your earnings to grow your project.

  • Crowdfunding platforms: Platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo can help raise initial capital for developing your language.

  • Grants and awards: Research grants and awards specifically for innovative language development projects.

4. Consider Alternative Career Paths:

  • Become a language consultant: Use your knowledge of programming languages to advise companies and developers on choosing the right tools.

  • Join a language development team: Work with established teams on existing languages to gain experience and contribute to their growth.

  • Teach programming languages: Share your expertise by teaching programming courses or workshops.

Remember, success in any field requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to adapt. Don't be discouraged by the initial challenges. Focus on building your skills, validating your ideas, and connecting with the right people to make your dream a reality.

Building a prototype for your programming language is an exciting step in bringing your vision to life! Here's a breakdown of the key steps involved:

1. Define Your Core Features:

Before diving into code, solidify the essential features that differentiate your language. Ask yourself:

  • What problem does it solve that existing languages don't?

  • What unique syntax or paradigms will it offer?

  • What are the target applications or domains?

Having a clear understanding of these core aspects will guide your prototype development.

2. Design the Syntax and Semantics:

Craft the basic building blocks of your language. This includes:

  • Syntax: How will code be written? Define keywords, operators, and data structures.

  • Semantics: What do your language constructs mean? Specify how code will be interpreted and executed.

  • Lexical Analysis: Define how your code will be broken down into tokens like keywords, identifiers, and operators.

3. Develop a Basic Interpreter or Compiler:

An interpreter directly executes your code line by line, while a compiler translates it into another language (machine code or bytecode) for later execution. Choose the approach that best suits your needs and skillset.

For beginners, interpreter development using languages like Python or JavaScript might be easier. Tools like ANTLR or PLY can help with lexing and parsing.

4. Implement Core Functionalities:

Start with basic features like:

  • Variables and data types

  • Arithmetic operations

  • Control flow statements (if/else, loops)

  • Functions

  • Input/output capabilities

Focus on getting these core functionalities working first.

5. Test and Iterate:

Write test cases to ensure your prototype functions as intended. Refine your syntax, semantics, and implementation based on testing results and feedback from others.

6. Build a Minimal User Interface (UI):

Create a basic interface for users to interact with your language. This could be a text editor with syntax highlighting, a simple REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) environment, or even a graphical interface for visualizing program execution.


  • Start small and focus on core functionalities first.

  • Use existing tools and libraries where possible.

  • Document your design and implementation decisions.

  • Get feedback from other developers and language enthusiasts.

Building a prototype is an iterative process. Be prepared to adapt and improve your language as you learn and gather feedback.

Here are some additional resources that you might find helpful:

Building a successful programming language takes time, dedication, and a passion for innovation. Keep at it, and good luck with your prototype!

My strategy to create this language consist in research, content creation, community building and self promotion. So far, I have found not person able or willing to spend time improving my specification. So I work alone.

Though life is hitting hard on me I will not give up. My ideas are original and eventually I will implement the language myself. Though I have little experience implementing programming languages and I'm not confident in my abilities I have manage to learn 20 programming languages so far and analyzed every single feature.

My new language is called EVE and is a domain specific language. It will be capable to extract validate and export data from one database to another database in an efficient way. This is the main purpose of the language but it will have all the features of a full object oriented language.

I wish to use AI to improve the specification for my language but Bard is not able to parse my project and do not understand a web page. So I have try to create a community and find open source developers to help me out. I have failed.

If you are a programming language developer who are decent enaugh to respect license for an open source project, you are invited to review and contribute to my design. The project is stored on GitHub and has a webpage that is work in progress. You can help by programming new code or improve existing code example without a compiler or interpreter.

I will soon start a parser and interpreter using Go. This is going to be private project until it works. Then I will make it public. However you can have access to the private repository to work with me side by side until a prototype is ready to be published.

Thanks for reading. Comment below about language design.

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