Future of Learning - Singularity
What you need to know before committing to programming!
These days it is possible to learn Computer Programming online. Young or old, there is a tutorial for you. Read blogs, watch video courses, follow a streamer, or join a community. You can reach these resources at an affordable price or even for free. All you need is a tablet, a laptop, a computer and a decent Internet connection.
Future is now
The singularity is here. The future is happening now. There are so many free resources out there that anyone is now able to learn everything for free, not just programming. In fact younger people get so many free learning resources they consider most of it spam, and start ignoring good opportunities just to stay away from ads and influencers. In the near future the companies will start to pay younger people to learn specific stuff that is not free for all and guarantee to work by long term contracts. People are afraid to enter the field of Programming due to many layoffs.
Before thinking about learning Computer Science and Programming you must acknowledge that this domain will be very crowded. Companies are already competing for the same space. There is not much to do. Whatever a company is inventing another is doing immediately the same thing even better. Many companies will close doors and you will see entire data centers imploding and thrown to garbage. This is due to huge progress in the micro-servers that can be installed in small offices and in homes. HDD dominance is over, data centers must switch to minuscul SSD that can fit under your own desk!
One unexpected boomerang effect is the Globalization of Computer Science and Programming activity. In poor countries, computers and laptops become accessible to everyone young and ambitious. There are programmers from India, Korea, Africa, Russia, Philippines working remotely for a smaller salary pushing out of jobs American, Canadian and European developers.
Gates are breached
Now there is a trend for people to push away the gatekeepers. People that hold information locked in libraries to keep tabs on poor children and push them away from learning. These gates are rusting and broken. It is ridiculous how a library try to keep ebooks for being read and make people waiting in que to lend an ebook, when we know that ebooks can be downloaded instantly by millions of readers basically for free. There is no paper involved. That is example of a gate that is absolutely ridiculous but is happening in US. Schooling systems has become a government elaborated scam. Libraries are replaced by Internet learning websites!
What then?
Learn the core concepts of Computer Science that are reusable. Do not join projects that have questionable value. You do not have to prove your worth by working for somebody else for free. Make your own projects. Anybody can start an open source project, you don't need anybody in your team. Working alone will make you strong and confident. Also learn something else, don't spend all your time learning only programming, languages and algorithms. Try to understand a domain of science or technology that is of higher value than programming and apply programming to solve real problems.
Some of the area that IT companies are invested in are overrated. If you look closer you will see there are many companies investing huge resources in some technologies that have an uncertain future. Not all ideas worth investing in. There are signs but people are fascinated by false promises and ignore critical thinking. You should probably avoid following blindly some flashy ideas but think a second time for yourself before start leaking money investing time or money in wrong enterprise.
Do not invest in ...
- Cable TV channels
- Data centers
- Satellites
- Self driving cars
- Chromebooks
- Apple tablets
- Mobile phones
Healthy Leaving
Before learning any programming skills, make sure you have healthy living habits. Do not make any abuses and do not take risks that can endanger your mental or physical health. There is nothing more precious in this world than your own health, or the health of the ones you love.
My advices ...
- Do not buy LG fridge,
- Do not drink alcohol,
- Do not take drugs,
- Move your body,
- Dance,
- Go to the office with a bike,
- If your office is far, use an electric bike,
- Do not fly,
- Take the train.
My promise:
If you agree with my advices, you deserve to have a long life. I welcome you to follow my free training classes. I can teach you skills to bust your career and I give free advice how to improve your life. You need some sort of integrity as a programmer. Do not fall for traps and false dreams. Most importantly, do not use programming to harm other people. Do not create viruses, cryptocurrency, spam or malware. That is a miserable way of living and very dark. Don't fall for it.
You get the idea? If you decide to become a programmer, be good. If you spend your life smoking pot, hacking and eating a lot, that is a wasted life. You do not need programming for that, you can do something else. If you make money with programming, try to invest in something important. Care for animals, plant trees, create artificial rivers and lakes in the desert, sponsor a developer or feed the hungry children. Help life grow and embrace nature. We all have only one Earth. Let's make peace and keep the planet safe for our children. What happened to us is wonderful. We are!